7 Deadly Sins Which Kill Your B2B Sales Deals

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It’s easy to make a mistake when selling to businesses. In fact, there are seven deadly sins which can easily kill your deals. If you’re not careful, you might find yourself out of a sale and a potential customer. In this blog post, we will discuss the seven mistakes which can ruin your chances of making a sale. We’ll also provide tips on how to avoid these mistakes and close more sales deals!

The first deadly sin is not asking the hard questions. Many salespeople are afraid to ask tough questions for fear of offending the customer. However, if you don’t ask tough questions, you won’t be able to fully understand the customer’s needs. This can lead to a deal that doesn’t meet the customer’s needs, which is a recipe for disaster.

The second deadly sin is not adding value in the process. Many salespeople focus on their own needs and want to close the deal as quickly as possible. However, if you’re not adding value to the process, you’re not going to win the trust of the customer. This can lead to a deal that falls through or a customer that is unhappy with the final product.

The third deadly sin is not involving team members. Many salespeople try to go it alone and don’t involve other team members in the process. This can lead to deals that are less likely to close and a lack of knowledge about the customer’s needs.

The fourth deadly sin is not listening to the customer. Many salespeople focus on their own needs and want to close the deal as quickly as possible. However, if you’re not listening to the customer, you’re not going to understand their needs. This can lead to a deal that falls through or a customer that is unhappy with the final product.

The fifth deadly sin is not being prepared. Many salespeople wing it and hope for the best. However, if you’re not prepared, you’re not going to be able to answer the tough questions or add value to the process. This can lead to a deals that falls through or a customer that is unhappy with the final product.

The sixth deadly sin is not following up. Many salespeople forget to follow up with the customer after the sale. However, if you don’t follow up, you’re not going to be able to build a relationship with the customer. This can lead to a deals that falls through or a customer that is unhappy with the final product.

The seventh deadly sin is not having a process. Many salespeople try to wing it and hope for the best. However, if you don’t have a process, you’re not going to be able to close more deals. This can lead to a deals that falls through or a customer that is unhappy with the final product.

If you want to avoid these seven deadly sins, you need to focus on your process and make sure you’re adding value at every step. By following these tips, you’ll be able to close more deals and build better relationships with your customers!

If you would like to learn more or have a chat please feel free to contact me at:
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Contact me on Email: simon.warman-freed@ibg-int.com or
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Simon Warman-Freed LLB Hons, FInstSMM, MIMM
CEO, Sales and Marketing Strategist

UK Mobile: +44 (0)7785 232301
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